Income And Poverty Data for Amelia

Income Amelia Richmond Virginia
1999 median household income $40,252 $31,112 $46,677
1999 median family income $47,157 $38,348 $54,169
1999 per capita income $18,858 $20,337 $23,975
Total households 4,240 84,566 2,700,335
Income $0-$24,999 1,088 34,094 664,556
Income $25,000-$39,999 1,017 17,416 484,247
Income $40,000-$59,999 1,012 14,363 536,989
Income $60,000-$74,999 430 6,217 299,679
Income $75,000+ 693 12,476 714,864
Poverty Amelia Richmond Virginia
Population for whom poverty status is determined 11,267 188,116 6,844,372
Total Population Below Poverty Level 948 40,185 656,641
Less than 5 years old in poverty 37 4,045 59,783
5-11 years old in poverty 86 6,170 86,831
12-17 years old in poverty 100 3,825 62,918
18-64 years old in poverty 558 22,107 375,564
65 years old and older in poverty 167 4,038 71,545
Source of Income Amelia Richmond Virginia
Total Households 4,240 84,566 2,700,335
Wage or salary 3,358 64,401 2,193,684
Self-employment 587 6,602 296,975
Social Security 1,173 21,880 631,530
Supplemental Security Income 298 4,759 95,716
Public Assistance 52 3,991 66,492
Retired 820 13,852 507,879
Interest Dividends or Net Rental Income 1,364 23,963 1,031,942
Other Types 683 10,618 348,620