People and Families Data for Manchester 1002073

Population Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total 2,651 197,790 7,078,515
Male 1,250 91,726 3,469,059
Female 1,401 106,064 3,609,456
Race and Hispanic Origin Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total Hispanic 51 5,239 327,273
White alone 0 1,408 153,019
African American alone 12 658 12,669
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander alone 0 82 2,260
American Indian/Alaska Native alone 0 34 1,945
Other alone 39 2,666 127,504
Two or more races 0 391 29,876
Total Non Hispanic 2,600 192,551 6,751,242
White alone 2,011 74,796 4,963,910
African American alone 496 111,997 1,371,339
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander alone 93 2,471 257,712
American Indian/Alaska Native alone 0 477 20,449
Other alone 0 306 10,877
Two or more races 0 2,504 126,955
Age Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total Population 2,651 197,790 7,078,515
Less than 5 years old 210 12,411 459,249
5-11 years old 234 17,872 700,802
12-17 years old 228 12,964 575,773
18-24 years old 91 25,988 676,117
25-44 years old 804 62,930 2,249,249
45-64 years old 767 39,134 1,626,758
65-74 years old 243 13,307 434,809
75 years old and older 74 13,184 355,758
Families Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total families 778 44,225 1,859,983
Family Households Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total number of families with children 18 years or younger 333 20,019 897,563
Female householders (no husband present) with children under 18 46 9,890 181,787
Male householders (no wife present) with children under 18 37 1,490 50,431
Married households with children under 18 250 8,639 665,345
Marital Status Manchester Richmond Virginia
Population 15 years old and older 2,107 160,809 5,623,628
Never married 391 65,838 1,473,063
Married 1,431 62,596 3,295,745
Divorced 219 18,522 504,369
Widowed 66 13,853 350,451
Nativity and Citizenship Status Manchester Richmond Virginia
Total Population 2,651 197,790 7,078,515
Native (born in or outside of U.S.) 2,451 190,147 6,508,236
Foreign Born 200 7,643 570,279
Total Foreign Born 200 7,643 570,279
Naturalized 111 2,715 232,767
Not a citizen 89 4,928 337,512
Mobility Status Manchester Richmond Virginia
Population 5 years old and older 2,441 185,379 6,619,266
Lived in same house in 1995 1,435 88,927 3,453,486
Lived in different house, same county in 1995 494 46,847 1,196,930
Lived in different county, same state in 1995 348 29,174 941,661
Lived in different county, different state in 1995 37 4,129 197,998
Elsewhere in 1995 127 16,176 821,738